Adult Day Care
Moravian Center Adult Day Care
Our Own Local Mission
Mission statement: "To share Christ’s love through honor of and service to the elderly."
On November 6, 2015, the Moravian Center had it's official ribbon cutting, but the visioning and planning for this unique ministry began long before then. The center began as an outreach ministry of the congregation which was searching for what God was calling them to do next. Opening the center required selling the church building, moving from the suburbs to the city, finding and renovating a new space, hiring staff, creating policies and procedures, partnering with local agencies, obtaining licences and clearances and advertising, among other things.
When the program opened, there were only three attendees. In the years since, that number has rapidly increased to an average daily attendance of 30 individuals. Each staff person is a well-trained, dedicated, and compassionate blessing to the program!
The Moravian Center Adult Day program provides a safe and comfortable place for older adults who would otherwise spend their day home alone. Individuals receive lunch and snacks each day and they are invited to participate in games, activities, presentations, crafts, exercises, and worship experiences. Assisted showers can also be provided.
Congregation members are encouraged to volunteer at the center, and several spend one afternoon a week talking with clients, playing games, leading activities, and even providing pet therapy. The individuals and staff appreciate the congregation's involvement with the program, and they are always looking for more ways to work together.