Serving the Lord as we engage our community.
At the Moravian Center of Lancaster we are all about living a simple life of faith in action through the building of relationships – that is, loving relationships with God in Christ and with our neighbors – people like you. We strive to live our motto: In Essentials – Unity; in nonessentials – Liberty; and in All Things – Love.
Upcoming Events
Our 10 AM Sunday service is available in person and on Zoom. Parking is available on the street, in the parking lot of Vision Corps and in the back of the attorney’s parking lot, as well as the Queen Street garage (free until 1 PM). All group meetings and activities are presently offered in-person (with the exception of Book Club) and on ZOOM (with the exception of the Prayer Walk).
On Wednesdays, Pastor Mandy leads a one-hour, bilingual service at 1 PM called Spirit Time, in the ADS on the 2nd floor (currently not open to the public).
Moravian Women meet on the first Thursday of the month at 1 PM, both in-person and on Zoom, September - June. The Prayer Walk is on the third Saturday of the month, rain or shine, and we meet at the church entrance at 9 AM. For those wishing to pray, but who may have some mobility limitations, you are welcome to come and pray on the third floor while others are out on the walk. Our united prayers make a difference. Book Club meets at the convenience of attenders and is currently on hiatus until January 2023. The date and time of the next meeting is to be determined. Please check this website and calendar for updates closer to the new year.
All the previously mentioned events are currently meeting via Zoom with the exception of the monthly Prayer Walk. You can see the calendar and the Logos, all available here on our website, for further details on these events and more.
The Moravian Center of Lancaster will host our Christmas in July Bazaar on July 22, 2023 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on the 2nd floor of our building at 227 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603. Come support the bazaar; invite your friends and neighbors; and ask your favorite restaurant, hairdresser, store, etc. for a gift certificate donation for the silent auction. Many thanks for your help!
We'd love to meet you! Come as you are; all are welcome! Ven tal como eres, todos son bienvenidos!
meeting ID # 7276959529
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Pastor’s Hours: By appointment.
We Welcome You!
“Do everything in love.”

Who we are
We are... a church where people matter and where Love and compassion flow freely from God through people.
We are... a warm, friendly, accepting place, in which to grow your relationship with God and people.
We are... a down to earth approach to faith and life that seeks to emphasize Christian faith, hope and Love, and de-emphasize doctrines and creeds.
We are... a living witness to our motto " In essentials unity; in non-essentials liberty; and in all things, Love."
We are... a Christ-centered church with an active congregational fellowship and service.
We are... a regular Protestant denomination that has been serving Christ since 1457.
We are... a worldwide church with a richly diverse group of members.
We invite you to join us!
“We are excited to be able to be a light to our neighbors and community, and to embrace our city.”
We believe that being the hands of feet of Christ to those around us is essential to living out the faith we believe, and we are always looking for new ways to live into this.
A rich history
The history of the Moravian Church dates back to 1457, with Jan Hus in the Czech Republic, and experiencing a new beginning in 1722 when a group of refugees found themselves on the property of Count Zinezendorf in Herrnhut, Germany.
The history of the Lancaster Moravian Church dates back to 1746, when the congregation first opened its doors on West Orange Street, just blocks from our current location.